Thursday, April 18, 2013

It is hard to fly when something is weighting you down.

To break free and fly away from the crap that holds you back, the first thing to do is to remove yourself from negative environments and the negative people or as I call them “Emotional Vampires.” They are the ones with anger, resentment, low self-esteem, pessimism and low frustration tolerance. That negativity over time becomes part of their personality.

Emotional vampires suck the life out of you and every ounce of happiness you have when you are around them. These negative people are the enemies of positive growth and change, and the effects of them around you can actually last much longer than just the time you spend with them. All that negativity sticks to you and weights you down from having a positive life, inner peace and from focusing on what you would like to accomplish.
If you want success and a positive change in your life, surround yourself with positive, stable, and happy people. However, if you MUST interact with an “Emotional Vampire” because they are blood relatives, friends or coworkers, my suggestion is to keep them at arm's length. (I sincerely hope you have a long arm.)

There are negative people everywhere, and over the years, I've learned that you can't change people, no matter how hard you try, but what you can do is change where and with whom you hang out. There are simple ways to help you remove any ongoing negativity from around you, and to keep those emotional vampires at bay. It’s up to you to do your best to protect yourself from the negative energy they spew your way and I don’t mean wear a garland of garlic around your neck for protection, it doesn’t work for these types of suckers.

It is your responsibility to look after yourself. If you don't, no one else will. So, don't let negative people rent space in your head. Make the decision to stay away from any environments that don't serve you. Don't let others take advantage of your good nature. Set boundaries and learn to say “NO” more often. (I definitely need to start working on that!) Hang around only with those who are positive, those who encourage you and help you grow.

It’s your life and you deserve to be happy. Happy people attract all good things to themselves. So stay positive and always follow your positive thoughts with positive action.

Go on and cut the line that is holding you down… and fly away to happiness!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Author Judith Vaughan: Do you believe in Angels?

Do you believe in Angels?

I do and I think that there are three types of angels, and I am one of them and more likely, you are one too.  Let me explain.

We all know the first type of Angels, the spiritual beings created by God, who serve God and are sent by God to deliver his message and to guard us when we seek guidance, comfort and reassurance. The ones that are send to us by God to answer our prayers, these spiritual messengers of peace give us hope, so if you believe and have faith as I do, then you have a guardian angel watching over you.  These are the Celestial Angels mentioned in the scriptures.
The second type of Angels depends on your personal belief.   I like to think that when we lose someone we love, they become our personal Angels.  These Angels are special because they loved us at one time unconditionally, so they stick around and look after us in our time of need.  This might not be real or scientifically proven, but it is nice to believe that after their death, our loved ones are still a part of us.   I know some of you may not agree, but that is just my personal belief.  These I like to call Special Angels, and I have one too —my mom is my Special Angel. *winks*

Then there is also another type of Angels.  I’m talking about the ones that walk among us.  Yes, there is a little piece of heaven right here on earth. At one point in our life we will be touched by one, they are the Earth Angels, people that God placed in our paths to give us encouragement, love, skills and hope when we need it the most. 

Earth Angels come in all ages, gender, ethnicity and sizes, you may not recognize them because they have no wings, but they exist.  Earth Angels come in our time of need and help solve our problems, they are here to comfort you and inspire you, some are here to guide you and help you, some to teach you and encourage you, and some to love you and make you laugh.

Often people don’t realize that everything they do touch others. A simple smile can brighten up someone else's day, a kind and gentle word can make a difference in someone’s life, a tiny act of kindness can create a ray of sunshine and bring a smile to someone who is unfortunate. 

Everyone can always choose to be someone’s Earth Angel, you just need to reach out and touch someone.  I know I’m an Earth Angel because if you read this, I just touched you and made you smile.

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